Among the latest wall décor trendsin the online marketplace is that of Islamic art wall decor, which consists of decorating your walls with Islamic calligraphy art. If you want to give a makeover to your home, try doing that with large Islamic wall art. Yes,we say large, because only then will any kind of art effectively enhance the look of the walls. Islamic art wall décor is sold in different varieties – wall stickers, paintings, colourful digital prints on canvas or paper, stainless steel frames and vivid ceramic wall plates.
Needless to say, apart from adding to the visual quotient of your living spaces, Islamic art wall décor can serve as a frequent spiritual reminder of the Blessings of Allah. For instance, a wall sticker or canvas print saying ‘Alhamdulillah’ in the dining section of your home should remind us that our meals and our good health are a blessing from Allah. There are many supplications in the Holy Quranand the Hadith, which, if put on our walls, can help children and even adults learn them by heart.
Islamic art wall décor can also help in Dawah, orinviting people to the faith. If a non-Muslim visitor asks you the meaning of a verse written in a calligraphic font and framed on your wall, you can explain it to him or her. Who knows, this might be the beginning of interest in Islam in your guest.
Significantly, largeIslamic wall art frames or decals now also comprise English translationswhich are placed adjacent to or below the Arabic verse from the Holy Quran. As the majority ofMuslims are non-Arabs, English translations are quite helpful for them. The English text is also written in astylish way. In some instances, the artwork includes only the English text, without the Arabic verse. This is a very interesting new trend in the world of Islamic art –moving from Arabic to English.
However, the beauty of the Arabic text is unparalleled and unmatched with any script in the world. The Arabic script’s cursive strokes, diacritical marks and dots, and broken letters render it perfectly suitablefor the art calligraphic writing. The Arabic script is very enigmatic – it is understated and elegant, yet grand and majestic.
That said, the introduction of English in Islamic art wall décor is a very welcome trend as it helps in the spiritual aspect of the art – reminding people at home and those who visit it of the blessings of Allah.
People now also frame verses in a room according to the utility of the space. So, the dining room has large Islamic wall art with the words ‘Alhamdulillah’, which means ‘Praise be to Allah’ while the study room has ‘Tawakaltu Al-Allah’, which translates into ‘Put your trust/faith in Allah’. At the gateway, it is generally ‘Haadha min Rabbi Fadhli’, which means ‘This is by the Grace of Lord’ or ‘Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem’, which is Arabic for ‘In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful’. Most certainly, Islamic art wall décor iswitnessing interesting new changes.