Description: Today, the treatment of alopecia is not entirely dependent on the advanced modern methods; you can fully apply effective home remedies for alopecia.
Every day we fall off about 30 to 60 strands of hair, and it is also the number of the new growing hair. Hair loss is determined when the number of hair loss per day exceeds 100 strands. So how to overcome this condition, the following article will introduce home remedies for alopecia.
First, we need to know some causes of alopecia. Alopecia is a result of two main reasons including internal and external aspects.
- External agents: working or living in a dirty and humid environment leads the body to sweat excessively, the oily substance on the scalp makes hairs easy to fall and break if sustained for long periods; diseases of the scalp (dandruff, fungus, and so on); using hair dyes, hair extensions regularly.
- Internal factors cause changes of the hormone or make the body not enough nutrients to nourish the hair such as genetic factors; stress for long periods; taking medications; dietary, lack of nutrients, etc.
Effective home remedies for alopecia
To cure hair loss efficiently, you can apply the following methods
- Treat alopecia by pomelo peel
There are many ways to apply pomelo peel for alopecia.
- Using oil in fresh pomelo to spray on the hair stimulates hair growth. Doing regularly twice a day will get the result as desired.
- Add 5-8 drops of pomelo essential oil to shampoo water, or mix with shampoo
- Mix 10ml of pomelo essential oil with water, and then apply it to your hair after shampooing once a day (do not rinse with water)
In addition to spraying of pomelo essential oil to treat hair loss, you should wash your hairs by the boiled water of pomelo peel,
mulberry leaves, and bent instead of the shampoo.
- Home remedies for alopecia with pure coconut oil
Massage scalp with coconut oil
– Step 1: Prepare coconut oil to fit your hair
– Step 2: After shampooing and drying your hair, use a cotton swab coconut oil and apply it on the scalp in a circle, start at the top of the head and slowly spread to other areas in the scalp.
– Step 3: Massage the scalp gently from 20 to 30 minutes to allow coconut oil to penetrate deeply into the hair follicles.
– Step 4: You can leave the hair from last evening to the next morning, and then wash with warm water. Perform 4 times a week to feel the difference from the hair.
- Washing your hair with green tea
Green tea is also one of the useful home remedies for alopecia. Mix 50g of tea powder or 1 handful of green tea leaves with 1 liter of water, and boil. After shampooing, use this warm water with green tea to shampoo again. Green tea will act as an antioxidant that can promote immunity, prevent aging and also be an excellent way to grow back.
- Pepper and lemon seed
Crush lemon seeds together with black pepper, then mix. Add a little water to this mix to get a paste. Using this paste on your scalp, you may experience a burning sensation, but only after a short time, your hair will not break. Instead, the new locks are stronger.
- Apple cider vinegar
Warm apple cider vinegar, use this solution to apply evenly on the scalp. After approximately 1 hour, wash with water. This method not only prevents hair loss but also stimulates hair to grow faster.
- Fresh sesame and rice water
You can use fresh sesame and rice water as home remedies for alopecia as below: Take 40 – 100 grams of raw sesame, boil with 2.5 – 3 liters of rice water. Then shampoo by this warm water. After the hair is dry, rinse it with clean water. Repeat this way once every day.
- Aloe Vera – one of the most popular home remedies for alopecia
You can drink 1/3 cup of aloe juice every day to help increase resistance to your hair, and reduce the risk of breakage. Besides, take the aloe vera gel on your hair, and incubate for 15 minutes. Should do 2-3 times a week, you will quickly see the change in your hair.
- Shampooing your hair with baking soda
Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 2 to 3 cups of warm water. Then apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. After that, wash with water. Baking soda will make your hair completely clean like shampoo. More importantly, the scalp will avoid contacting with chemicals including sodium lauryl sulfate, a substance found in cosmetic products causing balding.Therefore, baking soda is also one of the home remedies for alopecia you should apply.
- Amaranth
Squeeze Amaranth leaves to get juice and use cotton wool or soft cloth to absorb it on the scalp. This method especially stimulates the hair to grow back quickly.
- Garlic
Garlic is one of the great ingredients in beauty care. This material is very beneficial for hair. Some studies have shown that people who put garlic on their hair will get a smooth hair within a few weeks.
You rub the garlic juice and massage into the scalp, which increases blood circulation under the scalp, stimulates the hair growth.
Or apply slices of the garlic into bald areas or hair loss areas.
- Albizzia lebbek fruit
Albizzia lebbek is a beneficial fruit with hair. In ancient times, sisters and mothers often used this fruit to cook shampoo water for a black long smooth hair. Albizzia lebbek fruit contains flavonozit and saponaretin making hair grow faster and longer, smooth.
The above is a list of natural home remedies for alopecia, and you can apply when your hair loss does not happen regularly and does not last long. Hopely, you will find the best treatment for your condition, but if you have a lot of hair loss or severe alopecia, you still need a more specialized solution.