Nipah Virus is on the list of high searching keyword because of the recent emergence in Kerala, India. In the past it was emerged as an infectious disease Malaysia, Bangladesh and Singapore. It was supposed to be detected firstly in pigs andspreaded among various species including human. It is belived to be contagious.
Kids are very much innocent and yet we, the parents need to take proper care of them and teach them what is wrong and what is right to keep them away from such dangerous disease. Parents need to protect and take extra caution for their children from any external force. The full details, about the Nipah and how to secure your kids from Nipah are to be known. Here is the short description about the virus called Nipah, which you should aware of.
The virus was first detected in the year 1999. It was first found in the Malaysia and Bangladesh in consecutive years. According to studies, the possibility of the virus Nipah reaching parts of south India is low. In the past, it had been seen that the fruit bats that drink the fruit juices used to spread this disease. Therefore the carriers for the nipah viruses are those fruit bats who drink the fruit juices and spread the harmful diseases affecting the kids mainly.
The Symptoms of the nipah virus include fever, head ache, fainting and nausea. In some of the cases, the symptoms of the nipah virus are like choking, stomach pain, vomiting, fatigue and blurred vision could also be there. The person got affected with this disease can also go into a coma just two days after the symptoms begin. This nipah virus gets the chance of contracting the encephalitis which affects the brain and the result turns into fatal. These are some of the symptoms for this nipah virus infected by the fruit eating bats which becomes very much harmful. Get yourself informed about healthy lifestyle, read more and get knowledge from – the best online blogging site.
One should take proper precautions from this harmful virus getting affected. One should take caution to ensure that the food is not at all contaminated by the bats. And the bats don’t eat the food or drop any product of their body like saliva or something else on it. Do not eat fruits those might have been bitten by the bats and do use sanitizers before eating anything. If the infection has got into the body do not panic and immediately go to a doctor and not to panic. One should use the mask if there is any infected person in front.
Stay Healthy stay away from infected persons.